Corporate Governance

Culinor Food Group and the Orior Group are committed to best practices in corporate governance with a high level of transparency.

Good cor­po­rate gov­er­nance pro­tects the in­ter­ests of the shareholders and other stake­hold­ers while help­ing achieve sus­tain­able de­vel­op­ment.


Culinor Food Group is committed to sustainability.

Meet Culinor Food Group's second sustainability report, where we explain in detail our responsibility in relation to sustainability.

With this first report, we take another step to improve transparency into our sustainable "foodprint".

Download the sustainability report.

#sustainableentrepreneurship #Culinorfoodgroup

Code of conduct & SpeakUp

ORIOR Group has a con­tem­po­rary Code of Con­duct. It de­scribes the most im­por­tant com­mon val­ues and also the rules of con­duct that we live and ex­em­plify as em­ploy­ees of the ORIOR Group. They re­flect our un­der­stand­ing of re­spon­si­ble con­duct in every re­la­tion­ship, and we ad­here to them con­sis­tently and at all times, both among our­selves and in our co­op­er­a­tion with our busi­ness part­ners.

Download the code of conduct

We also in­tro­duced a group-wide whistle­blow­ing sys­tem - the SpeakUp Line. Em­ploy­ees, as well as ex­ter­nal part­ners, can use this sys­tem to sub­mit a com­plaint anony­mously and con­fi­den­tially if they iden­tify a vi­o­la­tion of our Code of Con­duct or feel that their rights have been in­fringed.

Link for internal notifications/employees:

Link for external parties:

Topdown food dish